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Fyle Offsite: A Revival of Joy and Connection

Updated: at 06:46 AM
(18 min read)

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Setting the Stage: A Brief Overview

As of early July, while writing this blog, I am currently working as an Engineering Intern at Fyle, having joined the company just over a month ago.

Fyle is a SaaS expense management software that simplifies expense tracking and management. Founded in 2016, Fyle transitioned to full remote operations after COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

This blog captures my firsthand experience at the Fyle offsite, a biannual event that promises both fun and meaningful connections among colleagues.

Why am I even writing this?

Writing this blog is a departure from my usual habits of not sharing much online. I don’t often post on social media or share personal updates.

However, my experience at Fyle’s recent offsite was profoundly memorable and heartwarming for me. The main purpose behind documenting these memories in words is to ensure that I never forget the moments that made this experience special.

Even if my memory fades, I can revisit these pages and relive the joy and camaraderie we shared. This blog may turn out longer than expected, as I aim to capture every detail and emotion.

Please forgive me if I’ve missed out on some names or events; as humans, we can sometimes forget certain details.

Ultimately, I hope it serves as a source of comfort during challenging times, reminding me of the good memories when needed the most.

The journey begins

From Curiosity to Participation: The Offsite Journey

I joined Fyle on May 16th, amidst the final rush of my end semester exams. Earlier in May, I had my interviews and accepted the offer on May 9th. During my initial research about Fyle, I stumbled upon a blog by Roshan Mahtre, an MTS at Fyle, where he detailed his experiences with Fyle’s offsite events. At the time, though, the idea of an offsite didn’t particularly excite me, despite Khushi from the People Success Team briefly mentioning it during onboarding.

On the same day afternoon, I had the chance to meet my manager, Kartikey Rajvaidya, over a call to discuss our roles and projects at Fyle. Later that evening, Kartikey messaged me urgently on slack about an opportunity regarding the offsite. Even though the registration deadline had already passed, Kartikey asked if my friend Prabhakar Mishra and I, who had also just joined as interns, could still attend.

I initially hesitated. This was my first professional experience, and I was unsure about how things worked at Fyle, how people interacted, or what an offsite entailed. Would I fit in? Would I understand everything that was happening? These uncertainties swirled in my mind. Despite these doubts, I took a leap of faith and agreed, curious to see what awaited me.

The very next day, I received a message from Yitzhak from the People Success team to fill out the RSVP form. It covered flight ticket preferences and food preferences. And yeah, Fyle covers all travel and accommodation expenses; you don’t have to pay a single penny.

The Work Journey: Before the offsite

After joining Fyle, my initial weeks were spent meeting people and completing the curated onboarding coursework provided by Fyle for a comprehensive onboarding experience. Balancing work alongside my ongoing exams posed a challenge, but I managed to navigate both successfully.

During these early weeks, I immersed myself in various coursework related to our team’s activities. One notable milestone was delivering my first product demo to the entire company, a Fyle tradition aimed at familiarizing newcomers with our product. While these experiences were significant, my primary focus was on gaining a deeper understanding of our product’s functionality and technology.

Thanks to the guidance and support from senior colleague Kirti Gautam and others, I tackled my first tasks and subsequent assignments promptly and effectively. The offsite, initially, was not at the forefront of my mind; rather, I was driven to excel in my role and contribute meaningfully to our team’s objectives.

Amidst the routine, there were intriguing developments in the #offsite_july_2024 Slack channel, including announcements like the upcoming cricket tournament. However, one particular challenge caught my attention—a requirement to schedule a call with someone new and share their best childhood memory and secret talent on the channel.

Initially perplexed by the challenge amidst ongoing exams, I eventually scheduled a call with Suyash, another MTS at Fyle whom I had never met before. Bonding over a shared interest in chess, we had a thorough discussion spanning various topics, including the challenge itself. Soon after our call, I posted our conversation on the channel, sparking immediate interest and speculation about the mystery caller (not much to say, people guessed it within a few hours of posting lol).

Countdown to the Offsite: Anticipation Builds

Soon enough, I realized how quickly time flies. The offsite was scheduled for the first week of July (specifically July 5th). While I was starting to settle into my role after the initial overwhelm of being a newcomer, I still harbored doubts about how the offsite would unfold. It would be my first time meeting many of my colleagues in person, despite our weekly sync-up calls as a team. This mix of skepticism and curiosity left me both excited and nervous about the upcoming gathering.


As the date approached, during the last week before the offsite, I received my tickets and the detailed itinerary. It was finally time to pack for the offsite. Despite lingering doubts, I gathered my belongings, preparing for what lay ahead.

Offsite Days

Day 0: Arrivals and Beginnings

Arrival and Grouping

Day 0 of the offsite was dedicated to travel. Participants from various locations, including myself, traveled to Bangalore to prepare for the upcoming events. We were grouped based on our flight arrival times at Bangalore Airport to facilitate coordination and travel to our accommodation at the Holiday Inn in Indira Nagar, Bangalore—a detail I’ll delve into shortly.

My flight was scheduled to depart at 12:45 PM, arriving in Bangalore around 2:15 PM. After packing and going through the usual airport procedures, I boarded the flight. Despite a less-than-ideal flight experience, thankfully, the journey from Kochi to Bangalore was relatively short. Upon arrival at the Bangalore Airport, I wandered through the departure terminal, feeling a bit like a lost child, searching for my group. Unable to locate them, I reached out to Supratik (from the sales team), who was nearby. We connected, and soon after, we found Simran (from the CS team) as well. With the group together, we were ready to head to the hotel.

First Meetings and Connections

That initial interaction at the airport marked my first in-person encounter with colleagues from Fyle, and I quickly realized how fantastic they were. Conversations flowed effortlessly as we shared about ourselves and our roles at Fyle. Gradually, I began to feel more at ease and settled into the group dynamic.

While we were ready to depart, we decided to wait for Puru Kaushik from the CS team, who had encountered a funny mishap—his bag had been misplaced. We shared laughs about the situation, lightening the mood as we waited for him to join us. Once Puru arrived, we hailed a cab and made our way to the Holiday Inn in Indira Nagar.

During the journey, our discussions ranged from work-related matters to personal anecdotes and jokes. By the time we reached the hotel, I already felt at home among my new colleagues.

Meeting My Beloved Team

After a journey of over an hour from the airport, I finally arrived at the hotel around 4:30 PM. Checking in, I immediately connected with fellow attendees. Soon after, I headed to the room I shared with Prabhakar, a fellow newcomer to Fyle. After receiving a message from Prabhakar about our team gathering on the top floor, I eagerly joined them—meeting my beloved team members in person for the first time was a truly special moment.

There were so many amazing people present that it’s hard to name them all without missing someone. Nevertheless, everyone I met was incredibly warm and welcoming. We returned to our room for a relaxed chat, even calling up Pradeep, a former Fyle employee in Bangalore, to catch up and share laughs.

During our conversations, I had the pleasure of meeting Astha from the frontend team, who amusingly kept noting my resemblance to a former Fyle employee.

Eventually, we decided to venture out for dinner and booked cabs to Meghana Foods, a renowned biryani spot in Bangalore. We ordered a mix of veg and non-veg biryanis, along with other delectable dishes, enjoying not just the food but also the endless banter and jokes shared by our senior colleagues.

The cab rides were just as entertaining, filled with both light-hearted jokes and meaningful conversations.

Back at the hotel, we continued the fun by playing cards until midnight—an unexpectedly delightful experience despite my eventual loss. The evening was punctuated by the arrival of several interesting personalities, adding to the lively atmosphere.

Day 0 : Reflections

Reflecting on the day, it struck me how seamlessly I had integrated into the group; it felt as if I had known everyone for years. It was undeniably one of the most enjoyable moments I had experienced in recent years.

As everyone retired to their rooms for the night, we lingered a while longer, sharing stories about our lives before finally calling it a night. And with that, Day 0 concluded—function returned 0 without any errors, just like in programming terms, but with a lot more joy and camaraderie.

Day 1

Morning Reflections at Holiday Inn

The official start of Day 1 began with a breathtaking realization of the view from Holiday Inn. Nestled near Bangalore’s racecourses, the hotel afforded a stunning vista that captivated me. In the morning, I found myself gazing out at a scene where horses were being prepared for races, skyscrapers loomed in the background, and the bustle of Bangalore’s traffic painted a dynamic backdrop.


The beauty of the moment was such that one could easily spend hours just taking in the sights. It was a view that resonated with both tranquility and vibrancy, offering a glimpse into the city’s diverse energies.

holiday-inn-view-2 holiday-inn-view-4

Reflecting on this serene start to the day, I couldn’t help but joke about returning once I’ve earned enough to justify splurging on such luxuries for more than just a day!

After a quick breakfast, we hurriedly prepared for our journey to Clarks Exotica, a serene resort nestled in the Nandi Hills near Bangalore, where the offsite was set to unfold. The travel itself took about an hour, but it was filled with engaging conversations and new connections.

Journey to Clarks Exotica

On the bus, I had the pleasure of chatting with Harshal, a recent addition to the Fyle team as an MTS in the frontend team. Our conversation meandered through topics ranging from the distinct cultures of his hometown, Gujarat, to the nuances that make the South so unique. It was a warm and enlightening exchange, setting a positive tone for the day ahead.

Throughout the journey, I had the opportunity to meet numerous fascinating individuals, each bringing their own perspective and energy to the offsite experience. While I won’t delve into specific names—it’s quite the list—they all left a lasting impression on me with their warmth and camaraderie.

Arrival at Clarks Exotica

Upon our arrival at Clarks Exotica, I was greeted by Sanskar, my go-to buddy at Fyle who has been a pillar of support whenever I face challenges, whether technical or otherwise. He has also been instrumental in helping me grasp the intricacies of our product.

clarks clarks

State of the Union at Lotus Banquet

After settling in and dropping off our bags for check-in, we headed to the “State of the Union” session at Lotus Banquet.

This session was a pivotal moment where I had the opportunity to meet more colleagues, especially those based in Bangalore. It was here that I also had the privilege of meeting Fyle’s CEO, Yashwanth Madhusudan, and our CTO, Sivaramakrishnan Narayanan. The discussion centered around Fyle’s achievements, our goals for the upcoming quarter, and insights into our product roadmap. It was inspiring to witness their commitment to prioritizing employee well-being and growth within the company culture.


Luxurious Lunch and Team Bonding

Following the enriching session, we indulged in a luxurious multi-cuisine lunch that surpassed expectations. The food throughout the day—breakfast, lunch, and dinner—was consistently delightful and indulgent.

After lunch, I returned to my room accompanied by Prakash, another MTS from my team. Despite knowing each other from our team, it was wonderful to deepen our connection during the offsite. Shortly after a brief rest, the highly anticipated cricket match kicked off. I had heard my seniors talk about the significance of this event during our weekly sync-ups, often likening it to the intensity of the IPL. However, I soon realized it was played with a tennis ball, a humorous twist that lightened the competitive atmosphere. Despite the informal equipment, the game itself was fiercely competitive, marked by moments like getting “six and out,” a nod to the cost-effective and practical nature of street cricket rules. Since I wasn’t participating, I enjoyed watching the match unfold, soaking in the excitement, banter, and spirited camaraderie from the sidelines.


Evening Activities: From Tea and Games to Dinner and Talent

After the match, we enjoyed some coffee and pakodas for tea, and whenever a group of us gathered, there were always friendly hellos exchanged. The tea session transitioned into an evening filled with group activities. Normally, I tend to avoid such organized events as they often come across as cringe-worthy to me, and I’ve been judged for my stance on this. However, this particular session didn’t strike me as cringy as some I’ve experienced in the past, though parts of it were amusingly so. One activity involved building a catapult using pipes within teams, and it was amusing to witness the comical contraptions we all managed to create, especially considering two of our engineering managers were in our team. Equally entertaining was seeing what others had come up with, particularly Nilesh’s team and the scam Nilesh pulled off to win the competition.

Later, we enjoyed a sumptuous dinner followed by a talent night around the bonfire, where different individuals showcased their talents. Throughout all of this, the banter and jokes were ceaseless, primarily led by the seniors.

Day 2: Unity and Celebration

Team Photo Session

Day 2 started with a refreshing breakfast, setting the tone for another eventful day at the offsite. The morning kicked off with a team-wide photo session, bringing everyone together regardless of their teams. It was a moment to capture the unity and spirit of the entire Fyle team in one frame.


Exploring and Connecting

The day unfolded without a rigid schedule, allowing everyone the freedom to choose their activities. Some headed to the pool for relaxation, while others engaged in games like table tennis and various resort offerings. I spent some time near the pool, engaging in an enlightening conversation with Dimple, the frontend engineering manager. It was a pleasant opportunity to connect beyond work discussions.


Cricket Finals and Chai Snacks

As lunchtime approached, anticipation grew for the cricket finals. The competition had intensified, and with it came a buzz of excitement. However, as the first innings conflicted with chai and snacks time, many temporarily abandoned the match to satisfy their cravings—a testament to the irresistible allure of good food! Nonetheless, the finals delivered a thrilling showdown akin to an IPL grand finale, complete with drama and intensity. Hari’s team emerged victorious amid spirited banter from the crowd, adding to the excitement of the day.

Honoring Excellence

After the thrilling match, the evening transitioned smoothly into the award ceremony—a momentous occasion where Fyle acknowledged and celebrated the dedication and hard work of its team members. It was heartening to witness many individuals being recognized for their outstanding contributions, spanning from recent achievements to those who had been with Fyle for several years. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and camaraderie, complemented by the ongoing banter and humor that kept spirits high throughout the evening.

Spirited Evening: Dinner and Banter

Following the awards, dinner was served, providing another opportunity for everyone to unwind and enjoy a delicious meal together, reflecting on the day’s events and building upon the sense of community fostered during the offsite.

Later, I found myself in a discussion with Devendra (an MTS from the frontend team) who started pranking me. He was joined by Sahil (another recent MTS in the frontend team) and Harshal. Devendra asked me about how P0s (priority 0 issues) work at Fyle, telling me that if I didn’t pick up calls during a P0 related to my commit, my salary would be docked 5k. He claimed this was hidden in the documents I signed. He even said I should always keep my phone on for one week after a production push. What started as a prank turned into a memorable and hilarious discussion with more people joining in—Alfiya, Sruthi, and Divyansh (all interns at the time of writing this blog). Devendra’s natural comedic talent made the conversation unforgettable. Looking back, I think he should consider a career in stand-up comedy.

Next, we had the typical cliche DJ party, complete with music and drinks. I’m usually not a fan of such events, much like the so called “fun activities” earlier. They don’t appeal to me, and it can be hard to explain this to others. But, to avoid comments, I joined in and watched the show.

As the resort staff cleared the decorations, our prank group gathered again, discussing various topics—personal life, college, and work. Devendra led the conversation with his jokes, some hilarious, others not so much. Arun (a senior MTS) and Kirti joined, only to discover it was just low quality banter. We chatted until almost 1:30 am, and everyone started to wind down. Though I was keen to keep the conversation going all night, we are all limited by time in life right?. Those late-night talks will remain some of the best moments from this offsite for sure.

Day 2 : Reflections

After saying goodbye to Kartikey and Kirti, I walked back to my room, in the dark night just lit by the new moon, with a cold breeze, all alone, reflecting on the past few days. The silence of the night contrasted with the vibrant memories of laughter and camaraderie. I realized, as I walked in solitude, how incredibly good I felt—something I hadn’t experienced in quite a while. Those late-night talks, the jokes, and the shared moments filled me with a sense of belonging and joy. For the first time in a long time, I felt truly content.

Day 3: Farewells and Reflections

Day 3 was a travel day for most people. After waking up, I quickly realized it was the last day. I went to have breakfast and was quite surprised to see how empty the dining area was. After eating and exchanging goodbyes with everyone I met on the way, I packed my things and checked out of my room.

Since my uncle was in Bangalore, he came to see me and take me around the city a bit. Although we couldn’t see much because the resort is about an hour from the actual city, we did manage to visit Phoenix Marketcity. We did some shopping, and he then dropped me off at the airport.

After checking in and completing the usual procedures, I found myself waiting for my boarding call with a cup of overpriced airport coffee. As I settled into my seat and looked out the airplane window, the sun was setting, casting a beautiful bluish-yellow tint over the fields of Karnataka. The view was serene, a perfect backdrop for reflection. I thought about the past three or four days, the people I met, the laughter we shared, and the memories we created.

With the fields stretching out below and the sky turning into a canvas of soft hues, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. It was a moment to ponder the essence of life, to ask myself, “Is this what life is all about?” The journey, the connections, the fleeting yet precious moments—everything seemed to align in that instant, giving me a profound sense of contentment and a renewed perspective on what truly matters.

Thanks to everyone for making this such a memorable time.